Mind Training abundancewellness Feb 6 Written By Terra Pracht Do this 6 minute guided mind training, 2x daily for 21 days and share with me your results here. I've found over the years with this work that there's a ripple effect—more peace, less criticism, more joy, less fear, tend to ripple out into every part of life. abundancealohaspiritauthenticconnectionsbalancecoachingleadershipmind trainingmental healthmental hygienerewiredforworthnueroscience Terra Pracht https://www.terraann.com
Mind Training abundancewellness Feb 6 Written By Terra Pracht Do this 6 minute guided mind training, 2x daily for 21 days and share with me your results here. I've found over the years with this work that there's a ripple effect—more peace, less criticism, more joy, less fear, tend to ripple out into every part of life. abundancealohaspiritauthenticconnectionsbalancecoachingleadershipmind trainingmental healthmental hygienerewiredforworthnueroscience Terra Pracht https://www.terraann.com